In life, Allah akan berikan kita mcm2 dugaan. Dugaan tu boleh datang dalam pelbagai bentuk/cara.
Ada org yg selalu menghadapi masalah mengenai hal family. Mungkin hidup di dalam family yg kucar - kacir. Selalu ade pertelingkahan, and maybe parents yg divorce, adik beradik yg x ngam, adik beradik yg jealous gile2 antara satu sama lain, parents yg suke lebih2kan sorg anak dlm semua anak2nya, etc. Ada juge org yg selalu hadapi dugaan susah nk dapat kerja, dugaan dalam persahabatan, eyh, nk ckp pasal dugaan tu mmg bykla, sbb kalau xde dugaan, bukan la hidup nama nye, betul kan?
Mungkin ada yg x setuju dgn dgn apa yg nk ditulis ni, but this is just my point of view, so jgnla ade yg marah2 pulak ye? :)
Mana2 org pun, kalau diberi pilihan, mestila nk hidup berdua/kahwin semua tu. Siapa xnk kawen kan? Cuma jodoh tu di tangan Allah, dan jodoh kite tu akan sampai pada masanya, InsyaAllah, dgn berkat usaha juge ye.
To me being single is great! These are some of the reasons kenapa single tu best:
1) xde bf nk control kluar ngn sape, beli ape (aku mmg cukup x paham BF/tunang yg bole nk jeles sbb si GF/tunang nk kluar dgn family members. x ke crap tu?
2) You can have all the ME time in the world! best kot
3) X pyh nk report2 kt BF pegi sane sini. Penat je. save phone bill. LOL! :P
4) The risk of rase bengang/geram/sakit jiwa kalau BF x angkat call/gaduh/semua2 tu laaaaa
Ni sikit je, byk lagi, tp byk sgt la pulak nk type semua.. :P
Tapi bile single ni paham2la, ade mase2 akan rase lonely, esp when u see couples around you, and married couples with babies, lagi buat hati terusik. aahhh touching pulak...
Being in a relationship is fantastic, when u found the one that understands u, accept ur flaws, encourage you,be there for u when u need them the most, cheer u up when u r feeling down, advice u when u have problems, and just simply making sure that u r fine and ok. :)
To all the ladies yg masih single, enjoy the singlehood while u can. Tak payahla pikir sgt pasal lelaki, coz one day, InsyaAllah, dia akan muncul tanpa kite sedar. Seriously, kadang2 jodoh tu dpn mata kite je, kite yg x nmpk. Tak perlula setiap saat ur tweets/fb status nak shout out pasal lelaki, pasal relationship, pasal heartbroken with ur ex, i mean everything is about guys! Come on girl, u r better than that! Lagi satu, bile tgh single, status semua nk emo, psl laki tu laki ni, tp bile dh ade bf, ya ampun, status tu mmg la nk tag bf aje kan. hmmmm kelakarla org mcm ni. Bila seorg perempuan expose her feelings publicly mcm tu, everybody else akan assume this and that about u. Yeah, it's ur fb/twitter, u can write anything u want, tapi mahukan anda dikatakan sbg seorg yg desperate? Ini cuma teguran sahaja, mahu terima atau tidak, terpulang pada hati. :)
Bile single, komplen, bile couple, komplen, bile dh tunang, komplen, bile dh kawen, komplen, bile dh ade anak pun komplen jugak.Being single/in relationship/engaged/married have its own pros & cons. Jadi pandai2 la nak adapt diri masing2 dalam situation. :)
Bye bye! ;)
About Me

- Apple Pie
- Apple Turnover
- Asam Pedas Daging
- Ayam Masak Merah
- Baked Macaroni
- Baked Mussels With Potato
- Banana & Nutella Pancakes
- Bread Pudding With Dates & Almond
- Chicken Lasagna
- Cinnamon Rolls
- Cream Caramel Pudding
- Kellogg’s Cornflakes Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Kiwi Fruit Cake
- Lamb Curry
- Lemang Pulut Mama
- Macarons (using macarons mix)
- Pengat Pisang
- Puding Jagung
- Puding Sagu / Sago Pudding
- Rendang Daging
- Rendang Meat Pie
- Sabby’s Kiwi & Apple Cooler
- Sabby’s Kiwi Yogurt Smoothies
- Sambal Sotong
- Sticky Dates Pudding With Gula Melaka
- Sup Ketam / Crab Soup
- Tiramisu
- Tomyam
- Udang Goreng Oat / Oat Prawn
100% agree..yeay~! haha
ReplyDeletehehe bna bukan nk condemn sape2, but we are women, STRONG women! We should be smart about this... :) and no one is perfect, so do i...
ReplyDeletehi.. first time i baca blog u..serious stuju dgn post ni.. klau ada butang like mcm kat FB tu nak klik byk2 kali, bleh? hehe
ReplyDeleteehem ehem.. you will be fine and we all will be fine :)
ReplyDeletefifi : ehehe bole2, tulis like 100 kali pun bole.. ;)
ReplyDeletezura : yes darl, we all will be... *hugs* :)
hehehe..tu sbb la setuju.....dulu rase teruk skrg?huhu.....relaks2 sudah....single best pe.. :D
ReplyDeleteu r right wa, the right person will come along..InsyaAllah! :)