Assalamualaikum and hello. :)
Lately selalu kita dgr mcm2 pasal crime kan. Perempuan kene ragut, rogol la, kidnap, bunuh, mcm2 lagi. So as precaution, we ladies kene sentiasa alert dgn our surrounding.
Sebagai contoh, I'm the kind of person yg bile jalan sorg2, mmg jln menonong je. Huhu mmg x pandang kiri kanan. Kadang2 kalau kwn2 terserempak kat mana2 pun diorg x sempat nak tegur sbb jln laju sgt and muka masam mencuka. Uhuhu -_- sorry sgt, lps ni I alert sikit eh. Hehe
Nway, hari ni nk ckp psl parking space. Skrg ni ada a few mall yang ada special parking for women. Yeay!! Tp ada je lelaki or yg dlm kereta ramai2 parking kat situ jugak. This is not suppose to happen! Korang ni semua takde sivik ke? Tu tempat parking single ladies drivers only. Same goes parking space for org2 handicapped. Tolongla Malaysians, be more responsible and considerate. Bole tak respect and bg priority to org2 yg memerlukan?
Benda ni jadi mcm ni sbb xde guard jaga parking space tu sbb tu x bole pantau. But, last friday I went to KLCC and drove straight to the the women parking. Ada 2 guards yg jaga entrance for the parking and they really check if mmg u sorg je yg dlm kereta baru bole masuk, so GOOD JOB to klcc management! :) I feel safer bila nak jalan towards the escalators.
Hopefully shopping malls yg lain pun buat mcm ni jgk. :)
Ok till then, have a great Sunday everyone! I'm off to a wedding in a few hours. Daaaaaa! :)
Sabby Prue
About Me

- Apple Pie
- Apple Turnover
- Asam Pedas Daging
- Ayam Masak Merah
- Baked Macaroni
- Baked Mussels With Potato
- Banana & Nutella Pancakes
- Bread Pudding With Dates & Almond
- Chicken Lasagna
- Cinnamon Rolls
- Cream Caramel Pudding
- Kellogg’s Cornflakes Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Kiwi Fruit Cake
- Lamb Curry
- Lemang Pulut Mama
- Macarons (using macarons mix)
- Pengat Pisang
- Puding Jagung
- Puding Sagu / Sago Pudding
- Rendang Daging
- Rendang Meat Pie
- Sabby’s Kiwi & Apple Cooler
- Sabby’s Kiwi Yogurt Smoothies
- Sambal Sotong
- Sticky Dates Pudding With Gula Melaka
- Sup Ketam / Crab Soup
- Tiramisu
- Tomyam
- Udang Goreng Oat / Oat Prawn
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Blog Archive
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- Parking for women
- Beauty Review : BB Plus Collagen
- Food Review : Ben's, KLCC
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- Organizing / Storage Ideas : Makeup / Skincare
- Sandakan & Kinabatangan Part II
- Sandakan & Kinabatangan Trip Part I
- February 2013 Favourites
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