Assalamualaikum and hello! :)
My parents are in Turkey right now, honeymoon utk yg keberapa kali ntah. -_- so I'm left at home with my baby brother, well not so baby la because he is sitting for his SPM this year. Boys mmg la makan byk! so I have to cook for him because I myself can simply survive on bread for days but he gotta eat rice. Hari2 stress sbb tak tau nak masak ape, huhu.
Nway, before mama left, mama dah ckp my bro wants to eat sup ketam (diva betul nk demand). So yeah, being an awesome sister (ehem ehem :P) I cooked for him yesterday. I googled the recipe (honestly dah tak tau resipi tu amek kt link mane sbb pc ni ntah kenapa tak bole bukak google. -_-) but as usual, I adjust to my taste. Super easy and simple!
Bahan A (blend)
1 biji bawang besar
5 ulas bawang putih
2 cm halia
1 tbsp lada hitam
Bahan B :
1 1/2 kiub ayam maggi (hancurkan)
1.7 liter air
3 ekor ketam (potong dua and cuci bersih2)
Bahan C :
1 tbsp Seasoning Maggi (bole substitute sos tiram)
2 ulas cili padi ( (tumbuk sikit)
garam (adjust to taste)
Bahan D :
Daun sup
Daun bawang
Bawang goreng
1. Tumis bahan A sampai naik bau.
2. Masukkan kiub maggi dalam periuk, kacau sekejap.
3. Masukkan air, kacau sekejap pastu masukkan ketam.
4. Masukkan bahan C dan reneh dlm 10 - 15mins (agak2 korang dah bole bau ketam tu)
5. Tabur bahan D lepas dah siap.
6. MAKAN! :D
Tips : Make sure rasa sup tu, check kurang garam ke, terlebih garam ke. Adjust the taste sampai puas hati. hehe
About Me

- Apple Pie
- Apple Turnover
- Asam Pedas Daging
- Ayam Masak Merah
- Baked Macaroni
- Baked Mussels With Potato
- Banana & Nutella Pancakes
- Bread Pudding With Dates & Almond
- Chicken Lasagna
- Cinnamon Rolls
- Cream Caramel Pudding
- Kellogg’s Cornflakes Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Kiwi Fruit Cake
- Lamb Curry
- Lemang Pulut Mama
- Macarons (using macarons mix)
- Pengat Pisang
- Puding Jagung
- Puding Sagu / Sago Pudding
- Rendang Daging
- Rendang Meat Pie
- Sabby’s Kiwi & Apple Cooler
- Sabby’s Kiwi Yogurt Smoothies
- Sambal Sotong
- Sticky Dates Pudding With Gula Melaka
- Sup Ketam / Crab Soup
- Tiramisu
- Tomyam
- Udang Goreng Oat / Oat Prawn
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sedapnye :)
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Deletewaaaa.terliur ni:D
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