Last year I did a blogpost on Gula-Gula Magic, a supplement for oneself inner and outer beauty. But this year, the brand has improved the formulation and use GGM as the new name. They also came out with a new product called Jus D'ria which is a health supplement that helps in asthma, sinus and so much more. Mediherba Solutions launched these 2 products 9 months ago and it has been well received by consumers and they want to reach more audience because they believe their products can help so many people who are suffering from health problems.
the blogger sharing session, the Managing Director Puan Rohasniza Rosli told us
the stories behind the birth of these 2 products. She talks about how her son suffers
from eczema and how she couldn’t take collagen due to health issue and she
couldn't find the solution to solve the problems. That is why she created her
own products and these remedies helped her and her son to overcome their
problems. I'm so touched and I totally understand her condition as a mom,
believe me I would want the best for my child too. I love the fact that this
brand promotes health first, then beauty and it says a lot about a company who
cares about their consumers' well-being.
GGM is a food supplement that contains Habbatus Sauda, goat milk, apple and chocolate as the main ingredients with the combination of other 'makanan sunnah' such as dates, apricots, blueberries, green tea, honey and pomegranate. GGM is the only beauty supplement that does not contain collagen which means that this products are solely depends on these amazing 'makanan sunnah' that we know has amazing benefits.
The combination of the fruits, habbatus sauda and goat milk (imported from New Zealand) can give so much benefits to the body such as :

'Jelita Tanpa Derita' is their tagline and they made it easy for their consumer to include GGM in their daily routine. There are 30 tablets in a bottle, chocolate and apple flavours. Only 2 tablets a day (1 in the morning and 1 at night) to get the perfect inner health and beauty. I love how easy it is to consume because I only need to chew it and I am done. How convenient! And they taste good too! GGM can be consumed by both men and women, starting from teenager onwards. I am most excited to see whether GGM can help me in improving my menstrual cycles. I've been consuming GGM for about a week plus now, I will keep you girls updated if there's any changes. :)
Retail Price
RM69 (Semenanjung Malaysia)
RM79 (Sabah/Sarawak)
Jus D'ria is called 'Ibu Segala Khasiat' because of the amazing ingredients included in the food supplement. The ingredients are aloe vera (imported from Africa), pomegranate, ginger, echinacea, oregano, garlic, dong quai (Chinese herb), akar manis, acai berry, camu-camu, Vitamin C, apple stem cell, argan stem cell and stevia.
The benefits include :

Jus D'ria can be consumed by children as early as 6 months of age. For adults, 10ml is suggested for each usage (twice a day) and for children 3ml - 5ml is suggested (twice a day). Don't forget to shake the bottle first before consuming and use plastic spoon to consume. The taste is a combination of sweet and sour, I really like it. I have sinus and it is one of the most annoying thing to wake up in the morning and have my nose blocked. Not to mentioned the phlegm and the irritation in my throat. I'm going to drink the whole bottle to see whether it helps to reduce my sinus, so stay tuned for my update.
Retail Price
RM88 for 30ml (Semenanjung Malaysia)
RM98 for 30ml (Sabah/Sarawak)
If you are interested to try out these products for yourself you can buy it at jamu kiosk nationwide, through stockist and via online too. For more information, visit Mediherba Solution :
Instagram : @jusderiahq | @mediherbahq
Mediherba Solutions : 0186610104
Puan Yaya : 0126460210
Encik Syahrul : 0129484420
Thanks for reading!
Curlasss hehe i suka rs jus tu!